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The Incentive Travel Case Study Book

Contains 12 detailed incentive travel case studies documenting each step of the program from identification of the marketing goal and methods of qualifying winners to specifics on the trip offered and the results.... [ read more ]

Research Library Catalogue

A collection of articles and resources compiled by SITE and available for $5 each. Subjects cover everything from contracts and negotiations to international currency issues, motivation, program design, dealer incentives, and buy-in options.... [ read more ]

Complete Guide to Professional Meeting and Event Coordination

A thorough guide to the event and meeting industry, this book is written in a user-friendly style that makes it possible to extract just the information a reader requires. Filled with contract examples, checklists, and other usable data forms, this book is an essential time-saver for even the most experienced planner.... [ read more ]

Defy Gravity

Defy Gravity is a guide to cutting through status quo corporate behaviors with practical, no-nonsense advice for avoiding crash and burn strategies. Defy Gravity blends conceptual fundamentals, real-world applications of those concepts, case studies, questions and exercises to help entrepreneurs and corporate executives alike power sustainable business growth. Defy Gravity was recently named one of the Top 10 Books for Small Business in 2010 by SmallBizTrends.... [ read more ]

Cracking the Value Code: How Successful Businesses Are Creating Wealth in the New Economy

This book, which is based on a three-year study by the consulting firm Arthur Andersen, gives clear, plain-English guidance for helping your organization identify, create, and consolidate the valued assets it needs to vault high above the competition. It examines the gamut of these possible assets (physical, financial, employee-supplier, customer, and those intrinsic to the organization) and, to show them in action, provides plenty of fun, fact- and figure-filled miniprofiles of New Economy dynamos, from robustly reengineered old warhorses like IBM, Coke, Pepsi, and Sara Lee to brash, new digital-age brats: Dell, Compaq, Cisco, idealab!, and Starbucks.... [ read more ]

The Good Jobs Strategy

Almost one in four American working adults has a job that pays less than a living wage. Conven­tional wisdom says that’s how the world has to work. Bad jobs with low wages, minimal benefits, little training, and chaotic schedules are the only way companies can keep costs down and prices low. If companies were to offer better jobs, cus­tomers would have to pay more or companies would have to make less. But in The Good Jobs Strategy, Zeynep Ton, a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, makes the compelling case that even in low-cost settings, leaving employees behind—with bad jobs—is a choice, not a necessity. Drawing on more than a decade of research, Ton shows how operational excellence enables companies to of­fer the lowest prices to customers while ensuring good jobs for their employees and superior results for their investors. Ton describes the elements of the good jobs strategy in a variety of successful companies around the world, including Southwest Airlines, UPS, Toyota, Zappos, and In-N-Out Burger. She focuses on four model retailers—Costco, Merca­dona, Trader Joe’s, and QuikTrip—to demonstrate the good jobs strategy at work and reveals four choices that have transformed these compa­nies’ high investment in workers into lower costs, higher profits, and greater customer sat­isfaction. Full of surprising, counterintuitive insights, the book answers questions such as: How can offering fewer products increase customer sat­isfaction? Why would having more employees than you need reduce costs and boost profits? How can companies simultaneously standardize work and empower employees? The Good Jobs Strategy outlines an invaluable blueprint for any organization that wants to pur­sue a sustainable competitive strategy in which everyone—employees, customers, and investors—wins.... [ read more ]

From Selling to Serving: The Essence of Client Creation

People dislike being sold, but love to be served. A recent Business Week study revealed that two-thirds of financial services clients are thinking about leaving their advisors. Given this climate of change, are you frightened by the challenge or excited by the opportunity? Many people in advisory roles -- financial representatives, attorneys, brokers and bankers -- are at a crossroads. The old model of relating to clients based on controlling them is no longer effective. From Selling to Serving offers another way, a way to create significant and rewarding client relationships.... [ read more ]

1501 Ways to Reward Employees

Today more than ever, businesses need fresh ideas to nurture talent and retain employees—enter 1,501 Ways to Reward Employees, thoroughly revised, updated, and even more chockablock with ideas than 1,001 Ways to Reward Employees, the groundbreaking national bestseller. Adapted to meet the needs of an evolving workplace—especially to deal creatively with virtual employees, freelancers and permalancers, international colleagues, and the rule-bending expectations of millennials—its 1,501 low-and no-cost rewards and strategies are drawn from thousands of companies across the globe. ... [ read more ]

Aftermarketing: How to Keep Customers for Life Through Relationship Marketing

Describes all of the processes necessary for customer retention at both large and small businesses. This book comes closer than any other to addressing all the elements of the New Marketing spelled out in this article.A relevant guide for managers, retailers, educators and students, Aftermarketing is applicable to product and services, consumer and industrial markets, and both the profit and non-profit sectors.... [ read more ]

Twitter is Not a Strategy: Rediscovering the Art of Brand Marketing

In a cultural climate saturated by technology, marketing professionals have focused their energies on creating newer and more digital methods of advertising their brands, with the fear that if they don't embrace "Big Data," they will fade into obscurity. But Tom Doctoroff, Asia CEO for J. Walter Thompson, argues that this frenzy over digital and social media has created a schism in the marketing world that is hindering brands from attaining their true business potential. The tension between traditional branding and the seemingly unlimited possibilities presented by the advent of "digital" branding leads companies to abandon the tried and true aspects of marketing for the flash of the new. In Twitter is Not a Strategy, Doctoroff explains why a strategy that truly integrates the two ideas is the best way for a brand to move into the future. Using some of the biggest brand names in the world as examples, such as Coca-Cola, Nike, and Apple, he breaks down the framework of marketing to explain how digital marketing can't stand without the traditional foundation.... [ read more ]

Relationship Marketing: Bringing Quality, Customer Service and Marketing Together

This book, which broke ground six years ago by outlining relationship marketing, provides an excellent overview. The book is intended for all marketing managers coming to terms with doing business in turbulent markets and facing up to strategic quality and customer services issues. However, it lacks implementation details and doesn't take into account advances in Internet and database technology that have taken place since its publication.... [ read more ]

Relationship Marketing for Competitive Advantage: Winning and Keeping Customers

A collection of articles from some of the nation's leading academic researchers on all aspects of customer retention, including internal and external marketing, employee motivation, and long-term relationship-marketing strategies. Best for those who want to understand the internal as well as external marketing issues involved with one-to-one marketing, as well as those who want an international perspective.... [ read more ]

Friendship Marketing: Growing Your Business by Cultivating Strategic Relationships

This book puts marketing on the most personal, one-to-one level by identifying the elements of friendship and relating them to business relations. Using dozens of real-life examples, the author shows how building relationships is the key to business development and personal fulfillment. It has little to do with technology, but everything to do with sales techniques.... [ read more ]

Secrets of Question Based Selling

For nearly fifteen years, The Secrets of Question Based Selling has been helping great salespeople live you deliver big results. It's commonsense approach has become a classic, must-have tool that demonstrates how asking the right questions at the right time accurately identifies your customer's needs.... [ read more ]

Special Events: Inside & Out

This book gives solid information on how to ensure a successful event. Includes a start-to-finish master plan for events, from feasibility study to evaluation. ... [ read more ]

The Power of foursquare: 7 Innovative Ways to Get Your Customers to Check In Wherever They Are

Internationally bestselling author Carmine Gallo not only has had unprecedented first-hand access to foursquare’s founders, he also has interviewed dozens of business owners and marketers who have revolutionized their businesses through The Power of foursquare. You’ll discover the ice-cream chain that heated up sales dramatically, the nonprofit organization that raised $50,000, and the matchmaker who owes her entire business to foursquare. Your customers are out there, constantly searching for places to go, games to play, and things to buy. Leverage The Power of foursquare and your customers will be in constant competition with each other over who loves your products and services the most.... [ read more ]

Fund Raising With Golf - Organizing and Conducting a Successful Fund Raising Golf Event

Here is a guidebook that will assist everyone involved in planning, organizing, and running a fund raising or charity golf event. This book provides a wealth of ideas and information for producing a successful golf tournament. Topics covered include: getting started, partnerships, themes, formats, pre-tournament planning, selecting sites and dates, insurance, sponsorship, prizes, volunteers, budgets, registration, tournament day set up, tabulating and displaying tournament results, the awards ceremony, how to organize peripheral activities, auctions, bake sales, clinics, fashion shows, banquets, putting contests, and much more. Ensure your next golf event is a success story with the ideas contained here. ... [ read more ]

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