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The Consistent Consumer: Predicting Future Behavior through Lasting Values

"The Constant Consumer" looks at the consumer patterns of the baby-boomer demographic as a jumping point to its claim that traditional age-base demopgraphic profiling is off the mark. This book will help you increase sales by understanding what consistently drives consumer spending decisions and enhances market shares by speaking to shared values and not just past actions. This book is perfect for people in management positions anywhere.... [ read more ]

Heat Up Your Cold Calls: How to Get Prospects to Listen, Respond, and Buy

Heat Up Your Cold Calls is a guide for today's marketers and sales professionals. It gives you new and highly effective ways for pursuing new prospects by phone. This book gives you the tactics you need for using e-mail and authored articles to set the stage for the initial cold call, strategies for creating a positive and memorable first impression with voice mail messages, and much more. ... [ read more ]

Silver Linings: Selling to the Expanding Mature Market

Explores the concept of marketing to seniors. Dozens of sample advertisements geared towards seniors help to illustrate Mr. Lewis' points. This book is oriented towards copywriters, whether they be self-employed, advertising agency employees, or simply businesspeople who want advertise to seniors.... [ read more ]

Seminar Selling: The Ultimate Resource Guide to Marketing Financial Services

"Seminar Selling" is a guide for financial services professionals that shows how to conduct profitable seminars. It demonstrates how to attract motivated clients, increase sales, and expand your client base. It includes detailed descriptions of the most effective ways to market a seminar, suggestions for visual aids and handout materials, as well as tips for handling Q & A, so that the audience views you as a reliable source. This book is great for anyone who handles seminars.... [ read more ]

Do-It-Yourself Direct Marketing: Secrets for Small Business

Tailored to the limited budget, this book tells how to use all direct marketing media, including mail order, telemarketing, radio and TV, newsletters, and print advertising. Includes strategies for identifying market niches and creating a direct mail database. 290 pp. John Wiley & Sons. $16.95; through, $13.56.... [ read more ]

Corporate Philanthropy at the Crossroads

Corporate Philanthropy at the Crossroads explores current practices, trends, and issues for corporate philanthropy and frames a productive research agenda based on the needs of practitioners. It is a useful reference for fundraisers and a great for academics.... [ read more ]

How to Get the Most out of Trade Shows

A handy source for trade show participants. Miller teaches you how to maximize your exhibit's effectiveness. He covers every aspect of exhibiting, from equipment to attendees' body language.... [ read more ]

Interactive Marketing: The Future Present

Interactive Marketing discusses practical advice about how to deveop strategies for the new interactive media and how to put those strategies to work in profitable marketing programs. It shows you how to maximize the marketing potential of the new interactive technologies while avoiding the porblems that some marketers have experienced.... [ read more ]

Over 66 Tips & Tricks to Supercharge Your Trade Show Promotion

Stresses the importance of standing out at the show and tells how to make it happen through promotions and a well-designed exhibit. An easy-to-read, information-packed book, that will teach you everything you need to know to ensure a successful show before you go. This book takes you through the process, from clearly defining your targeted attendee based on your objectives, to how to come up with innovative promotional ideas, examples of successful promotions, and much more.... [ read more ]

Guerrilla Trade Show Selling

Explains guerrilla sales and marketing techniques in the high-pressure trade show environment. It's full of tips of all kinds, a good reference guide for anyone interested in new marketing ideas. Discusses unconventional weapons and tactics to meet more people, get more leads, and close more sales.... [ read more ]

The Power of Exhibit Marketing

Contains a slew of tips and suggestions to make your trade show booth as powerful as possible. It is a must for experienced exhibitors who wish to find new and creative advice and ideas on how to continue improving their success at the fairground. ... [ read more ]

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