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Sales Promotion: Concepts, Methods and Strategies

Deals extensively with the field of sales promotion planning and analysis: how promotions affect sales and profits, types of sales promotions, the interaction of promotion and advertising, and future research. Particularly good for marketers involved in packaged goods promotion.... [ read more ]

The Road to an Engaged Workforce

For last year’s Summit, a research study was conducted to assess the drivers of employee satisfaction and engagement and the downstream customer and financial implications of these important employee attitudes. This research identified several unique organizational characteristics driving employee engagement, including employee satisfaction, and identified organizational communication as a key driver of employee satisfaction.... [ read more ]

Exploring E-commerce, Global E-business and E-society

Discusses how e-business systems can provide the information required to effectively manage customer needs, business strategy, technology, and customer relationships, specific techniques for improving value chains and business intelligence, incorporate e-commerce into your business model, and the coming e-society.... [ read more ]

Advertising and Sales Promotion Strategy

A comprehensive handbook on advertising and sales promotion, covering strategic and tactical issues. Includes examples of creative advertising campaigns. The four parts of this textbook cover: Introduction to advertising and sales promotion, Communication strategy, Sales promotion strategy and Planning advertising and sales promotion.... [ read more ]

An Exploratory Study of Sales Incentive Programs

This study delves into the mechanics of sales incentive programs, providing managers with useful information to design successful sales initiatives at their own companies and providing their corporate decision makers with hard evidence. It found that properly structured programs can increase sales by at least 10 percent. ... [ read more ]

From Contact to Contract

From Contact to Contract gives you easy to apply information on the world of sales. With 496 sales tips to do such things as generate more leads, close more deals, and exceed your goals, which will ultimely make you more money, this book is perfect for any salesperson.... [ read more ]

Human Resources and Marketing: A Missing Link?

This study, conducted by Prof. Frank Mulhern and Patricia Whalen of Northwestern University, identified a significant gap between the view of human resources and employees on the role of employees on delivering customer satisfaction, but found that companies with a close link between human resources and marketing outperform companies that don't.... [ read more ]

Build Customer Goodwill With Promotional Products

Promotional products foster customer goodwill (positive attitudes and feelings) toward a company and its salespeople. This study, completed by Baylor University in 1992, involved a textbook publisher sending 4,000 educators either: (1) a pocket calculator plus a letter, (2) a lower-priced highlighter pen plus a letter, or (3) a letter only.... [ read more ]

The Power of Full Engagement

In this groundbreaking book, co-author Jim Loehr, Ed.D., co-founder of the Human Performance Institute, demonstrates how managing energy, not time, is the key to enduring high performance as well as to health, happiness, and life balance. At the heart of the program is the Corporate Athlete® Training System. It offers a a highly practical, scientifically based approach to managing your energy more skillfully, both on and off the job.... [ read more ]

Mental Agility: The Path to Persuasion

Mental Agility: The Path to Persuasion is a guide for any salesperson who wants to learn how to think quickly on their feet. It has an easy to follow system that teached you how to walk into any situation cold and establish a relationship based on trust and confidence. ... [ read more ]

Managing to Have Fun

Takes a lighter approach to management that includes using toys, games, and contests to motivate employees.The keystone of this approach for businesses interested in team building for increased profitability is "fun in the workplace."... [ read more ]

Customer Inspired Marketing: Change the Game and Become the Brand They Really Love

A former senior level marketing executive at companies such as Macy’s, Eastman Kodak and Bank of America, author Aubryn Thomas has learned why certain brands generate energized reactions from customers and how these brands remain profitable by out-thinking the competition instead of overspending. In "Customer Inspired Marketing," Thomas has created an 8-step plan for companies to follow in order to create a successful marketing/branding campaign. ... [ read more ]

Best Practices : Building Your Business with Customer-Focused Solutions

Best Practices shares how more than forty best-practices companies focus on their customers, create growth, reduce cost, and increase profts. It focuses on customers and how to involve them in everything from the design of products and services to marketing, selling, and product delivery. This book is good for managers in any business, in any industry.... [ read more ]

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