Good to Great discusses the findings of the Good to Great study that studied what made a company go from good to great. This is the study of several companies and conclusions are made based on case studies and research. This book is good for any entrepreneur or person in a leadership position.... [ read more ]
Provides up-to-date, step-by-step guidelines for conceiving, developing, and successfully launching new consumer products. Cooper demonstrates with compelling evidence why consistent product development is so vital to corporate growth and maximizing success.... [ read more ]
This offering from the Product Development & Management Association includes contributions from leading product development professionals presenting all bundle of information needed for effective product development, from creation of concept through development and design to final production, marketing, and service. Discusses fundamental concepts including identifying customer needs, using multifunctional teams, and having an appropriate development procedure, as well as issues such as process ownership, pipeline management, metrics, and product architecture.... [ read more ]
"Training Effectiveness Handbook" explores new concepts that make training easier and more effective, and enable you to evaluate any training program regardless of instructional style, method, or format. This book includes worksheets, checklists, evaluation forms, and other tools.... [ read more ]
Summarizes what these two renowned marketing consultants have learned in 40+ years about what makes a few companies hugely successful and most others failures. The premise behind this book is that in order for marketing strategies to work, they must be in tune with some quintessential force in the marketplace. Hundreds of examples from well-known companies demonstrate the rules of marketing. ... [ read more ]
This book takes a hands-on approach to building a customer-centered organization. ... [ read more ]
"State of The Art Marketing Research" is an all-in-one guide for planning, conducting, and applying technology-driven market research. It has step-by-step instructions to plan and develop research studies that help define marketing problems, prepare research plans and proposals, select secondary and primary research methods, and much more. ... [ read more ]
Addresses the integration of product, sales, and service, with a new focus on downstream marketing practices. Good treatment of product management. Concurrent Marketing questions much current management thinking in identifying ways that competitive firms need to be organized to build these capabilities.... [ read more ]
How To Get the Most Out of Sales Meetings discusses the best strategies for planning meetings to coach salespeople. This book includes a guide to help your meetings motivate your salespeople to build product and customer knowledge, sharpen listening and communication skills, and much more. ... [ read more ]
This book looks at how new marketing techniques enable companies to build closer relationships with customers.
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An analysis of what it takes to exploit the market potential of a product. The original hardcover edition was declared one of the top 30 business books of 1992 by Executive Book Summaries. Now, it's been updated for the 21st century and available in paperback.... [ read more ]
Consumer Behavior is a textbook that contains 32 short cases that will discues the many aspects of consumer behavior. This book is good for any business professional looking to learn more about consumers.... [ read more ]
This book looks at how companies can profit from a commitment to a corporate culture characterized by collaboration, innovation, and joy at work.
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Vague positioning strategies don't stand a chance in the product-cluttered 1990s. This book offers sharp insights from authors with decades of experience in this area.... [ read more ]
This book examines why much of the current conventional wisdom is wrong and asks us to re-think the way managers link people with organizational performance. Pfeffer builds a powerful business case for managing people effectively--not just because it makes for good corporate policy, but because it results in outstanding performance and profits. ... [ read more ]
This book provides a blueprint for revitalizing organizations through strong leadership.... [ read more ]
Markets of One explores mass customization as a recent trend that has swept across the industry. This book is a collection of 10 Harvard Business Review articles that chronicle the evolution of business competition from mass markets to markets of one. This book is good for anyone in any industry.... [ read more ]
A managerial perspective on how to build and maintain a viable brand identity and a competitive branding strategy. The handbook draws heavily on the use of case studies, including such brands as Marlboro, Perrier, and Pizza Hut. For comprehensive business collections.... [ read more ]
"Up Your Business" discusses ways to make you organization or company work at the highest possible level. This book includes a seven step plan that you can use to fix, build, or stretch your business. This book is good for anyone in a leadership position.... [ read more ]
Takes a lot of the confusion out of building a marketing plan. It presents ten market-proven, manageable components, including finding the data you need, conducting a comprehensive situation analysis, and setting realistic sales objectives.... [ read more ]
"Turning No into Yes" explores ways to solve money problems within your business. It discusses an easy to follow five step method that will show you how to locate hidden problems and fix them. This book is good for anyone who holds a financial position.... [ read more ]
This book suggests that work can be empowering, inspirational, and profitable at the same time. ... [ read more ]
Ageless Marketing discusses a research project on the aging boomer generation, detailing the core values, buying behaviors, and emotional factors that are unique to the New Customer Majority. With its new research approach in profiling this lucrative market, this book is good for anyone in the marketing industry.... [ read more ]
Explains how and why sponsorship works, what it’s worth, and how results compare to advertising and sales promotion. There’s a section on why sponsorships fail, a sponsorship glossary, a checklist of sponsor rights and benefits, and case studies of successful sponsorship measurement.... [ read more ]
Goldblatt, director of the event management program at The George Washington University, focuses on the business skills that are vital for event managers . Incudes practical tips for proposal writing, marketing techniques, and risk management.... [ read more ]
Showing Results 326 - 350 of 590