Engagement On List of Key Challenges Facing CEOs
Issues related to employee and customer engagement are at the top of the list of CEO challenges worldwide, according to CEO Challenge 2015, an annual survey of... [ read more ]
Issues related to employee and customer engagement are at the top of the list of CEO challenges worldwide, according to CEO Challenge 2015, an annual survey of... [ read more ]
Avatar Solutions recently announced the results of its annual analysis of employee engagement levels in the U.S., finding that only 29.2% of employees surveyed were "Actively Engaged," 58.8% were "Partially Engaged" and 12% were "Actively Disengaged." ... [ read more ]
Don McPherson, President and Co-Founder of Minnesota-based Modern Survey, recently noted that when people say they know and understand the organizational values of the company they work for, those people are 51 times more likely to be "Fully Engaged" than ... [ read more ]
A new study by the Incentive Research Foundation, 10 Trends for Merchandise and Gift Card Programs in 2015, notes that retaining top performers and preparing them to take over the reigns during the next decade is a top priority for most organizations. A crucial part of that process will involve Merchandise and Gift Card... [ read more ]
The Hampton brand has knocked down its walls to unleash its culture – both internally and externally. Dictionary.com defines corporate culture as "the distinctive ethos of an organization that influences the level of formality, loyalty and general behavior of its employees."... [ read more ]
When it comes to engagement, most nonprofits have an advantage over for-profits in that they can attract employees and volunteers based on the organization’s mission. When you feel strongly about a mission – whether helping families and communities in need, rescuing animals, providing... [ read more ]
Some of you may be familiar with Dunbar’s Number. It was defined originally by Robin Dunbar, a British anthropologist who, based on extrapolations from primates to humans, suggested that humans tend to only comfortably manage relationships with about 150 people. ... [ read more ]
Enterprise Engagement requires the cultivation and participation of numerous constituencies, both inside and outside the organization. In this excerpt from his new book, Strategic Brand Engagement, author John G. Fisher discusses how ... [ read more ]
Most people have heard of Millennials. You know, the age group that was born between the 1980s and the 2000’s; children of Baby Boomers or Gen-Xers, defined by their use of technology and their upbringing? Well, you should know about them, considering they’ll son make up over 50% of the workforce. Most organizations are trying their best to recognize the rise of this group and are thinking about how to “handle” them in their organizations.... [ read more ]
The workforce is changing drastically, becoming even more diverse and multi-generational. As Boomers hang on longer and even forego retirement as an end goal – and up to four more generations squeeze in behind them – creating appropriate rewards and recognition programs is becoming increasingly complex.... [ read more ]
Cindy Mielke, VP of Marketing at Marketing Innovators, recently wrote about how technology has changed the way we handle almost everything, including how we communicate. From the increasing prevalence of cell phones to the introduction of social networks, ... [ read more ]
Pink’s latest book, 'To Sell is Human,' may sound unrelated to engagement, but it actually offers a number of useful insights into human nature and what compels us to make the decisions we do... [ read more ]
Business leaders who are striving to create something that will leave the world a better place aren’t only more engaged themselves, they’re more likely to do the things that help their employees engage... [ read more ]
Steve Lipic knew the key to long term success wais to focus on the goals his clients were trying to achieve, not just the underlying products that are part of the process…... [ read more ]
In this excerpt from his new book, ‘Laddering: Unlocking the Potential of Consumer Behavior,’ PossibleNOW VP Eric Holtzclaw explains how techniques such as laddering, lensing and latticing can radically and permanently change the way you view your products, services, customers and marketing message ... [ read more ]
An interview with Max Malloy, Manager of Employee Engagement & Communications at Advanced Micro Devices... [ read more ]
These days we have more data and insight to do our jobs well, but in many cases all this technology and robust software is implemented hastily to fill an immediate need and without considering all the necessary requirements... [ read more ]
No one can make you more engaged. Your engagement, ultimately, is a personal equation. It reflects your relationship with work, based on your values, your talents, and your aspirations... [ read more ]
How do we engage employees who deliver on the brand when they have no clue as to what we really do and we have little or no authority over them?... [ read more ]
"What’s our return on investment?" If you can't answer the question, your recognition budget could be the first thing on the chopping block when budgeting time comes around. Depending on the size of your organization, you can be spending an average of $125 to $175 per person per year on award costs and ... [ read more ]
If recognition is thoroughly woven into the fabric of your culture, it becomes a true measurement tool of individual and organizational performance... [ read more ]
New Book Explores the Engagement Equation. One sign that engagement has emerged as a formal field is the proliferation of books published on the subject over the last few years. The latest, The Engagement Equation: Leadership Strategies for an Inspired Workforce,... [ read more ]
This paper explores how to keep employee engagement alive, even during economic downturns. The ideal engaged employee has a proven track record of making meaningful contributions, speaks positively about the organization to friends, coworkers, clients and potential employees, and puts forth the extra effort to be successful over the long term. Since employee engagement is proven to have a measurable impact on profitability (due to enhanced productivity, innovation and the quality of goods and services delivered) the imperative for managers becomes development of engagement strategies and practical implementation. If you haven’t done so already, now is the time for you and your team members to take the initiative – define what your engagement objectives are, how they will be accomplished and get the necessary buy-in. Understand that engagement efforts don’t fall only to managers; the process needs to be a two-way street. Employees have high expectations of management, and management should have the same high expectations of their employees. Read the full white paper here... [ read more ]
Research shows employee and employer confidence in the health of the U.S. economy is growing, but it’s a bumpy ride. Employees have been beaten up over the past several years. They’ve survived budget cuts and layoffs, been asked to do more with less and have shouldered the burden of many of those decisions. As a result, two out of every three of your employees are likely to be heading for the exits and new jobs when the U.S. economy turns around. An engagement strategy focused on transparency, communication and recognition for their loyalty could stem that rush to the door. Three ways to quickly turn the situation around are 1) Build transparency within your organization, 2) Provide opportunities for growth, and 3) Reward employees for meeting or exceeding those expectations. Here’s how… Read the full report... [ read more ]
Frustration isn’t an employee issue; it’s an organizational issue. Frustrated employees represent 20% or more of the total workforce, leading to a major loss in performance, talent and revenue. Frustration wears down motivated, dedicated employees who really care about... [ read more ]