Customer Connections discusses information and knowledge management technologies to connect with customers in a new way. This new model fosters collaboration and playing the right role in supply and demand chain. This book is good for any salesperson.... [ read more ]
This books looks at how traditional business practices can be reengineered for greater efficiency.
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Wiersma, president of Wiersma Event Marketing, includes ways to set goals and see if an event can be used to meet them. An easy to read book that provides case studies and useful tips that are very practical.... [ read more ]
"The Circle of Innovation" explores author Tom Peter's views on innovation and how the world of business is in constant flux. This book is helpful for people in any industry.... [ read more ]
A complete guide to planning and implementing promotional events. Includes a section on fund-raisers. A very good book for beginners and intermediate people who plan or want to plan large events.... [ read more ]
This manual is designed to connect those who know events and those who know risk management. It covers such things as health and safety, promotions, and crowd management.... [ read more ]
Defines and clarifies terms relating to all components of event management. A-to-Z coverage of nearly 4,000 terms. Features include: entries updated and expanded with the help of event professionals from around the world; new coverage of catering, marketing, proposal writing, technology, and other important areas; a new section featuring terms grouped according to the key CSEP-identified categories: Administration, coordination, marketing, and risk management.
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"The Power of the Pitch" discusses Hankin's formula to bring in more sales. This book will show you how to overcome presentation anxiety, define and promote yourself as a powerful brand, get prospects to like you within the first 30 seconds, and much more.... [ read more ]
Provides a comprehensive overview of the meetings industry and describes the responsibilities of the meeting planner. Covers subjects such as goals, budget, programming, site and menu selection, scheduling, promotion, and evaluation. Includes checklists, graphs, and documents.... [ read more ]
This book addresses such tasks as working with convention and visitors bureaus, confirmation letters, financial management, liability and on-site communications.... [ read more ]
"Winning With Promotion Power" examines the 100 "best of the best" in promotions of the past decades. These informative case studies can help anyone in a leadership position in any industry.... [ read more ]
Drawing upon her work both as a psychologist specializing in management psychology and her 15 years as a consultant to the Fortune 500, Bardwick develops a bold new management paradigm for maximum employee productivity. She suggests ways to challenge employees where risk is at an ideal level, and creates a results-driven organization. Characteristics of successful organizations and management are examined in terms of achieving change through driving for measurable success and rewarding and punishing, thereby bringing about a results-driven mind-set requiring: urgency leadership, purpose, collaboration, selection, method, trust, and commitment.... [ read more ]
This step-by-step guide from Meeting Professionals International (MPI) allows readers to easily understand ROI principles including when and how to measure return on investment.... [ read more ]
Games That Drive Change shows you games and excercises that will help focus on change management. With 100 ready to play activities to reduce people's anxiety about change, this book is perfect for anyone in a leadership position. ... [ read more ]
Various authors give you the lowdown on many motivational issues. Contains good summaries of both Maslow and Herzberg.
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Provides all the information you need to start, develop, and sustain a thriving export business. Has excellent chapters on business protocol, communication, shipping goods abroad, and negotiating with the Japanese.... [ read more ]
Every Manager's Guide to Information Technology is a guide to the IT revolution. It defines terms and concepts that are directly relevant to managers and explaining the IT relvolution and it explains the IT revolution in simple terms so it's easily understandable. ... [ read more ]
A bestselling guide to international behavior, now completely updated and expanded. Provides even more facts, tips, and cautionary tales-gleaned from the experiences of more than five hundred international business travelers. Includes brief notes on customs and culture, arranged by country. ... [ read more ]
"Skyrocketing Sales" is a guide to motivate you and your salespeople to reaching sales goal. This book contains strategies like mental coping skills and optimistic habits that will help banish your fears forever,as well as tips to trigger your customers' emotions and motivate them to buy more often. This book is good for any salesperson.... [ read more ]
A comprehensive checklist that anticipates questions arising in foreign travel. Based on a telephone survey of 20,000 business travelers, it gives advice on everything from passports and visas to car rentals and exchanging money.... [ read more ]
Measuring To Manage address the When, How, and Why of employee evaluations as well as provides information detailing how to turn mediocre employees into top performers. ... [ read more ]
This book offers an effective way to know and tap into the lucrative female market. Popcorn believes attracting and engaging the lifelong customer requires rethinking traditional marketing methods using her eight "truths" of marketing to women. These include making your brand a contributing and worthwhile member of the community you create; acknowledging that women lead multiple lives simultaneously--marketing to only one at a time is limiting for you and annoying for them; and remembering to be subtle--women think laterally and notice things peripherally.... [ read more ]
This indispensable guide teaches everything women need to know to successfully interact with their business counterparts all around the world. Addresses a wide range of issues, including safety, body language, health concerns, and dating. A country-by-country listing provides the rules for such things as proper dress, speech, and table manners.... [ read more ]
Described by the publisher as a "toolkit for designing business based plans," this book provides a highly detailed approach to implementing a total rewards strategy. Literally every step of the process is detailed, with specific examples, Includes a CD. ... [ read more ]
This publication gives an account of a joint ECMT/ECAC Seminar on improving access to air travel. It treats all aspects of the issue, from information provision, to airport and aircraft access and staff training, and offers numerous suggestions for improvements in this vital area.... [ read more ]
Showing Results 351 - 375 of 590