Published: Jan 17, 2012
Average levels of employee engagement weren’t good enough for Stryker, as one New Jersey plant discovered. The Gallup Management Journal recently published an extensive case study looking at how a fast-moving manager changed the plant’s culture in less than a year, improving engagement levels from 48% to 57%. Stryker believes that ... [ read more ]
Published: Jan 17, 2012
A new research study by the Sloan Center on Aging & Work at Boston College examines work experiences of employees, finding that those 40 years old and older are the most engaged and demonstrate the highest level of organizational commitment, and that those 50 years old and older are the most satisfied with their jobs. Employees between the ages of 30 and 39 evidenced ... [ read more ]
Published: Jan 17, 2012
Employee engagement and employee performance management truly go hand in hand. The goal for both is to create alignment between the needs, desires, skills and activities of individuals and what the business requires to achieve results. But in today's intense business environment, what managers and employees need to achieve this balance can be difficult to discern. ... [ read more ]
Published: Jan 16, 2012
Employee engagement is one of the four customer experience core competencies and it’s the one that companies tend to struggle with the most. To examine this critical area, Temkin Group surveyed more than 2,400 U.S. employees, finding that only 40% are fully committed to helping their companies succeed, 54% will do good for the company even if it’s not expected, and 26% are likely to look for a new job within six months. ... [ read more ]
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