Few Signs Yet of Stakeholder Management, Reporting Leadership From Consulting Firms
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The rise of engagement is creating demand for a new type of technology: the engagement portal. As reported by the Starr Conspiracy in its report, 2016 Employee Vendor Brandscape, ... [ read more ]
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This is the second in a multi-part series on the creation of Corporate Sustainability Reports for all sizes and types of organizations. This article focuses on the strategy for Corporate Sustainability reporting based on the size of the organization. For Part 1 of this series, click here: Is It Time for Your Organization to Publish a Corporate Sustainability Report. ... [ read more ]
Recognizing the increased interest cutting through greenwashing, this webinar produced by the Intentional Endowments Network focuses on how asset managers can ensure the ESG funds they invest in are aligned with their goals. ... [ read more ]
Years before the US Securities and Exchange Commission updated its annual reporting requirements for public companies to include disclosures on human capital issues considered material to business, or the recent passage of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive that will require detailed disclosures on the management of all stakeholders starting next year, many large US companies began to publish annual reports on their practices related to people and the environment. Because these reports will be subject to audits in the coming years; because many of the companies subject to the law will require reporting from their supply chains and distribution partners, and most of all because of increasing demands from investors, consumers, and employees, now is the time for at least some companies to consider the publication of Corporate Sustainability Reports. ... [ read more ]
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If the implementation of Stakeholder Capitalism requires a strategic and systematic process, it stands to reason that the emergence of this field will foster the creation of a new field of experts, services, and technology, much as occurred in the field total quality management, customer relationship management, loyalty management, and many others. Along with the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its Engagement Agency division, Stakeholder Business is among the first businesses specifically launched to help guide CEOs seeking to make the shift to Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]
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The new focus on viewing stakeholders as assets rather than as a sunk cost creates new ways for human resources to create value for organizations but will put enormous strains on departments based on the traditional shareholder-focused model. It is simply not possible to combine into one human being or role the three critical inter-related elements and skill sets required of a stakeholder approach to management in human resources. The shift toward stakeholder management not only creates significant opportunities for human resources, but three different career paths. ... [ read more ]
The fundamental lack of awareness of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and Stakeholder Capitalism, and the attempt to politicize the concepts, have led to considerable confusion. A quick read of the original United Nations report that helped coin the term ESG clearly demonstrates the direct connection between ESG and Stakeholder Capitalism.... [ read more ]
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While the human resources field continues to focus on employee recognition, rewards, and human resources systems, and the sales field on CRM (customer relationship management), the business world is overlooking Enterprise Engagement technologies that make it possible for almost any size company to seamlessly integrate all the key ways they engage people on a single, smartphone accessible platform.... [ read more ]
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A US legal expert on ESG and stakeholder governance and a European Union specialist on human capital reporting agree with the US legal and management consulting community that the new European Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSRD community will have far more impact on US businesses than the EU GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) privacy rules because of the breadth of the disclosure requirements. ... [ read more ]
Here is a recap of recent articles and research about Stakeholder Capitalism and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG).... [ read more ]
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The Enterprise Engagement Alliance offers free or low-cost ways for people to get started down the path to learning about the formal principles, economics, implementation, and reporting processes of stakeholder management, the implementation process for Stakeholder Capitalism. This learning program is even more important now that the European Union has established stakeholder management as a business norm in its new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive requiring disclosures on all areas of stakeholder engagement of large companies (over 250 employees) doing business in Europe. ... [ read more ]
A US legal expert on ESG and stakeholder governance and a European Union specialist on human capital reporting will help management worldwide understand the potential implications of the new European Corporate Sustainability Directive (CSRD). It is expected by the US legal community to have far more impact on US businesses than the EU GDPR privacy rules because of the breadth of the disclosure requirements. ... [ read more ]
A fundamental principle of Enterprise Engagement is to align external and internal communications and marketing, which includes embracing employees and other stakeholders as ambassadors for an organization. Brand Networks, a social media activation agency recently acquired by Augeo, a Minn.-based enterprise engagement agency, was launched to do just that for Fortune 500 companies.... [ read more ]
Many of the same governors who have come out against Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) have signed into law public benefits corporation statutes which enshrine Stakeholder Capitalism into the corporate laws of their states for any organization which wishes to benefit from them. Beneath the rhetoric, well-known governors in both parties support the principles of Stakeholder Capitalism. ... [ read more ]
This Change.org petition simply asks politicians to stay out of a non-partisan movement most approve of, as there is no need for legislative action to help organizations enhance returns for investors by creating value for customers, employees, supply chain and distribution partners, and communities.... [ read more ]