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News Analysis: Why the New SEC Human Capital Disclosure Rules Matter

Published: Aug 31, 2020

Human capital disclosure proponents were largely disappointed by the Securities & Exchange Commission’s historic move that for the first time requires US public companies to disclose human capital practices in their annual reports. The problem for critics? The SEC leaves it up to companies to decide which disclosures are material to understanding their business. Nonetheless, the recognition by the SEC that human capital is material to organizational success is an enormous step forward and will heighten awareness of the issue with boards and CEOs, who from a fiduciary standpoint are required to address any issue deemed “material.” ... [ read more ]

Is Your CEO Driving With Only One Eye on the Road?

Published: Aug 20, 2020

AnchorAccording to Dr. Solange Charas, founder of HC MoneyBall and creator of HCMetrix - the company's human capital analytics and benchmarking platform - CEOs and their management lack critical information if they are not monitoring selected key metrics that strongly correlate to corporate financial performance.... [ read more ]

Financial, Legal Leaders Can Now Earn Required Credits on Human Capital Management in EEA Program

Published: Aug 11, 2020

Created in 2009, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance's first formal learning and certification program on Enterprise Engagement, encompassing human capital management, measurement, ROI, and compliance will be adapted for chief financial officers (CFOs) and business leaders. The program will be offered in partnership with the Accountant-Lawyer Alliance (ALA), which provides continuing education courses and networking events to certified public accountants (CPAs) and attorneys nationwide. ... [ read more ]

News Analysis: Pandemic Stokes More Debate About Stakeholder Capitalism

Published: Jul 28, 2020

Two recent contributors to the Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance offer contrasting views on the Stakeholder Capitalism movement. One of those views, published in the New York Times, opposes Stakeholder Capitalism based on what the Enterprise Engagement Alliance believes to be a false definition. The other article in the Harvard Law School publication takes the opposite view that investors are demanding organizations to focus on purpose and culture. ... [ read more ]

Business Operating Systems, Brand Media the Focus of August EEA Zoom Shows

Published: Jul 26, 2020

The Enterprise Engagement Alliance strategic Zoom Show on Aug. 12 at 1 pm ET will focus on Business Operating Systems, an invaluable approach to running a better business of almost any size. The EEA tactical Zoom Show on Aug. 13 at 1 pm US, sponsored by the Brand Media Coalition, will cover the emerging concept of Brand Media, Experiences and Surprise and Delight in rewards, recognition, and gifting. ... [ read more ]

EEA Creates Curriculum for CFO.University

Published: Jul 8, 2020

The EEA is creating the first formal learning and certification program on Human Capital Management, Measurement, Employee Engagement ROI, and Compliance for chief financial officers for CFO.University, a leading community for CFOs that will qualify CFO.University members for an EEA CFO certification and annual membership status. This new course at CFO.University is focused specifically on the needs of the CFOs seeking to understand the basic principles involved with managing, measuring, and reporting on all aspects of human capital and employee engagement. ... [ read more ]

BCAT Offers Free Enterprise Engagement Calculator, Web Training

Published: Jul 6, 2020

BCAT, the brand alignment company, offers a free Enterprise Engagement widget that organizations can use to thumbnail the potential return on investment of increased engagement. The widget is free to any solution provider seeking to post the widget on their web sites. ... [ read more ]

People Power Brands, Brands Power People Theme of New EEA Zoom Shows

Published: Jun 25, 2020

Launching Aug. 13, 1 pm ET, these new practical monthly virtual education programs bring together organizational practitioners and expert solution providers to discuss process design and measurement in key areas of sales and non-sales employee, distribution partner, and customer engagement, followed by the stories of featured brands; the essence of their success, and how organizations can use those brand stories to better tell their own through incentive, recognition, loyalty, event, surprise and delight promotions and corporate amenities and experiences.... [ read more ]

EEA Zoom Show Focuses on Advertising and Marketing in the Era of Authenticity

Published: Jun 23, 2020

Matthew Della Croce; President Global and Corporate for Allison Partners; Satish Korde, a brand strategy consultant and formerly CEO of GTB, and Allan Steinmetz; CEO, Founder, Inward Consulting, will join EEA Zoom show host Bruce Bolger, Enterprise Engagement Alliance at founder, on how the advertising and marketing field can adapt to the new focus on authenticity and purpose. ... [ read more ]

People ROI Pioneers to CEOs: Human Capital Can Be Measured

Published: Jun 15, 2020

Probably no organization has dedicated itself more persistently to the cause of measuring the return on investment of human resources and other people investments than ROI Institute, which now has nearly 6,000 return-on-Investment certified professionals worldwide with an active pipeline of 2,000 people in the process. ... [ read more ]

Appreciation at Work Goes Virtual

Published: Jun 9, 2020

The culture company Appreciation at Work has launched a new Virtual Appreciation at Work™ Training Kit specifically designed to make its training assets easily available in the new working conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.... [ read more ]

The New Economics of Capitalism

Published: Jun 8, 2020

Why is a leading professor of finance at the London Business School a strong advocate for employee engagement? Because it’s better business, he says. That’s the premise of Alex Edman's new book, Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit, published in March by Cambridge University Press. Edmans will be a panelist in a series of upcoming EEA Zoom Shows... [ read more ]

EEA Zoom Show: Strategic Culture—Beyond the Warm and Fuzzy | July 15 - 1 pm ET (Event Concluded)

Published: Jun 8, 2020

Over the last two decades, hundreds of books have focused on leadership and culture, and many CEOs at companies of all sizes have hired coaches to help improve their management style. And yet, after 20 years or more of talk, probably no more than 20% of organizations have a strategic approach to culture management—i.e., a CE0-ld plan that drives a consensus-based brand promise, values, culture, and objectives through a formal process across the enterprise. The result—almost no change in customer and employee engagement. ... [ read more ]

AlphaCalc® Performance Dashboard Transforms Human Capital Management

Published: Jun 2, 2020

A new SaaS-based platform is the first to help organizations benchmark profitability, liquidity, and key human capital metrics through a low-cost, easy-to-use platform designed to help improve business performance, value creation and decision-making related to financial operations and people management.... [ read more ]

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