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The Job Description for Director of Corporate Sustainability in 2023

Published: Jul 19, 2023

The political pushback on ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) appears to have put little dent in the creation of corporate sustainability management positions. The requirement of thousands of US companies and nearly 60,000 around the world to create standardized stakeholder management disclosures under a new European Union law not only will require organizations to hire advisors or individuals to manage their sustainability efforts but will encounter the fact that there are very few people with much of the training necessary to address the full human and environmental scope of the position today. ... [ read more ]

Mid-Year 2023 Stakeholder Capitalism Update: Gradual Progress

Published: Jul 17, 2023

Because the entire concept of stakeholder management, metrics, and reporting is barely taught in schools or discussed in the media, coupled with confusion created by the Business Roundtable, BlackRock, and the anti-ESG forces, many organizations are struggling to address the growing demand for organizations to enhance returns for investors by creating value for customers, employees, distribution, and supply chain partners.... [ read more ]

Enterprise Engagement Tech Market Remains Blue Ocean

Published: Jul 6, 2023

Large companies have the resources to create highly integrated employee and other stakeholder engagement platforms through their internal portals. For SMEs (small- to- medium-size) enterprises without such resources, Enterprise Engagement technologies can make it easy to engage all key stakeholders on a single, configurable platform. While there may be 100 or more employee recognition and gifting platforms, the Enterprise Engagement Alliance could identify only eight Enterprise Engagement technology platforms in an extensive Internet search, six of which responded to our request for additional information on their technologies. ... [ read more ]

Why the Racial Equity Battle Must Be Fought on Economic Grounds

Published: Jun 22, 2023

Investment activists promoting DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) should place more focus on the economic benefits and how DEI practices get integrated into the enterprise rather than siloed into departments with limited scope writes the author, principal of a boutique ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) advisory firm and board member of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility and the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, ... [ read more ]

The Overlooked Role of Worker Voice

Published: Jun 21, 2023

An expert on work-life issues and labor relations asserts in this Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube Show that worker voice is a generally overlooked source of value creation and risk reduction. This article and webinar provides an overview of the opportunities, benefits, challenges, and steps to success.... [ read more ]

Study Identifies Gap Between Demographic Diversity and Perceptions of Inclusion

Published: Jun 8, 2023

This study of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) finds little connection between the actual demographics of management and employees and expressed feelings of diversity, equity, and inclusion. By distinguishing between demographic factors and how people feel about DEI in the workplace, the authors turn some conventional thinking on its head. ... [ read more ]

CSRD Report Part 7: Estimated Time and Costs for SMEs and Large Enterprises

Published: Jun 5, 2023

The looming question for organizations is: how much is this going to cost? The good news is that the Enterprise Engagement Alliance and its affiliates have first-hand experience: ours are almost the only companies in the world that have created human capital reports and conducted audits for both very large companies and an SME (small- to medium-size enterprise), providing us with first-hand experience of the time and expertise involved; the cost, and scalability factors.... [ read more ]

CSRD Part 5: Strategy and Implementation

Published: May 31, 2023

The history of ISO 9001 quality management standards provides a solid foundation for predicting what will happen now that the European Union has made such disclosures a matter of law. A certain percentage of affected organizations will view the disclosures as a competitive opportunity. On the other hand, perhaps 50% or more will view it strictly as a compliance issue. ... [ read more ]

Upcoming EEA YouTube Show: The Role of Unions in Stakeholder Capitalism

Published: May 29, 2023

Based on the premise that Stakeholder Capitalism enhances returns for investors by creating value for employees, customers, supply chain and distribution partners, and communities, what is the role of unions in a business world in which labor is valued as an asset rather than as a cost to be minimized? These questions and more will be covered in an Enterprise Engagement Alliance YouTube Show, Tue., June 6 at 1 pm ET. ... [ read more ]

New Service Launched to Support EU Compliant Corporate Sustainability Reporting

Published: May 17, 2023

Two companies with more combined experience than any others in the creation of Corporate Sustainability Reports independently audited according to ISO standards have joined forces to help organizations of all sizes throughout the world make the inevitable transition to a new world of greater transparency in management, marketing, and reporting. ... [ read more ]

CSRD Part 4: Key Metrics Disclosed

Published: May 17, 2023

The new law is estimated to contain about 82 metrics covering employees; employees of supply chain and distribution partners; customers, and communities. ... [ read more ]

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