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Human Factors for Med Device Design conference - 18-19 Nov 2015 - San Diego, CA

Streamline medical device development by advancing the roles of human factors and usability engineering. This conference provides med device professionals with actionable steps to design, develop, and market a functional product that is safe and easy to use. Human factors and usability engineering are integral components of safe and effective device development. A robust human factors strategy is absolutely necessary to maintain customer safety and sustain a competitive edge in the medical device industry.

This marcus evans conference establishes holistic human factors and usability engineering as pillars of safety and success in the medical device space. Via case study presentations, heads of human factors, industrial design, and user experience will address the integration of an effective human factors strategy throughout the phases of the product lifecycle. Further, we will explore the nuanced relationships among human factors, usability engineering, risk management, device development, and regulatory affairs.

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Contact info:

Tyler Kelch
Assistant Marketing Manager

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