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ITA Group Launches New Employee Engagement Solution

ITA Group, the Iowa-based employee well-being and engagement firm, recently announced the release of Strive5, what it calls “the Whole-Employee Solution.” Strive5 consolidates key employee initiatives onto one platform, focusing on five key areas that influence employee health and well-being: performance, career, wellness, social and community. “The beauty of Strive5 is in the data and consolidated reporting,” says Brent VanderWaal, ITA Group Executive Vice President and CFO. “It allows you to make well-informed, data-driven decisions for your organization that allow you to strategically invest where you’re getting results.” According to an ITA Group press release, Strive5 supports integration of multiple reward currencies and offerings, maximizes the ability for employees to pool earnings by creating more meaningful earning opportunities, and leverages extrinsic and intrinsic motivators to maximize performance and satisfaction. For more information, go to

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