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CorporateRewards Pivots to Technology with WorkStride

CorporateRewards recently launched a new platform called WorkStride, indicating something of a change in direction for the 15-year-old NY-based rewards firm. The welcome message on the homepage now reads: “WorkStride: Enterprise Recognition, Incentive & Reward Software: Increase the engagement and performance levels of all employees by celebrating their good work and challenging them to be at their best.”
In a recent conversation, Tom Silk, Executive VP of Sales and Marketing, explained: “We want to change the conversation from focusing on rewards to how we can use technology increase performance,” he says. “We want to emphasize how we can help organizations improve results. Yes, we provide complete reward solutions, but we believe that technology and proper program design are the key to success.” Silk explains WorkStride’s three key elements:
  • It’s agnostic on rewards. While the company offers a variety of vouchers and rewards in just about every medium from retail sources, he says WorkStride also accommodates nonmonetary games and social engagement.
  • The program can support multiple types of programs on a single platform to address wellness, safety, training, recognition and incentive programs.
  • The platform focuses on making a clear link between cause and effect so that organizations can see the benefits of their investment. 
As for the company’s go-to-market strategy, it has corporate clients but also sells through other solution providers. “Partners are a critical part of our strategy,” Silk explains. “We’ll provide the best technology and rewards, but we can’t be 100% of the engagement program. We’re a foundation. We help our partners fill in gaps in their service offerings to customers.” For more information, email
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