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EEA Moves to Membership Model

Based on the growing number of executives with “engagement” in their title and on the support of numerous visionary firms and organizations that have helped nurture the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, Managing Director Bruce Bolger has announced that the organization will move beyond sponsorships as its sole source of funding and institute a membership model encompassing all of the corporate practitioners, engagement solution providers, academics, students and young professionals focused on this new area of business. Bolger also notes that the first Enterprise Engagement textbook already has over a dozen published chapters, with the first edition to be completed in April for Engagement University, April 6-8 in Nashville. Many chapters are available online, in text and slides to registered users, and over two dozen practitioners and solution providers have passed the basic Certified Engagement Practitioner (CEP) test or achieved higher distinction. The benefits of membership are, chiefly, to promote learning, obtain certification and access a network of help and support with implementation of engagement solutions – either as professionals in corporations, government or not-for-profit organizations, or as companies or consultants who provide engagement services – and, in a larger sense, to help promote the growth of a field in whose involvement members stand to gain personally and professionally. “We knew the time had come to create a membership model when we realized the breadth and leadership of executives from all aspects of business who share our vision,” says Bolger. “Each member of our Board of Directors is involved because he or she in one way or another shares the view of Gary Rhoads, Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Brigham Young and an EEA Board Member, who says that Enterprise Engagement could be the most important new profession since the advent of advertising.” For more information, click here.

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