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Former AstraZeneca Exec Helps Launch Engagement Consulting and Training Service

Melanie Lewis has joined the Enterprise Engagement Alliance as Senior Consultant to help implement a new Consulting and Training service on the emerging field of Enterprise Engagement. Lewis most recently served as Director, Commercial Engagement at AstraZeneca, capping a 27-year career there that began in human resources and culminated with pioneering work in the area of Enterprise Engagement. In her last decade at AstraZeneca, she has been involved in cutting-edge work with consultant and author Curt Coffman on connecting customer and employee engagement that won the company the EEA’s first Enterprise Engagement Award. “As someone who has had deep involvement with employee and customer engagement for many years, I understand the challenges organizations face when seeking to make engagement a part of their business strategy,” says Lewis. “Organizations generally have to feel their way because until recently there was almost no formal guidance in this area. Now there is.” In addition to providing the curriculum program at Marcus Evans events, the EEA Consulting and Training service will provide customized training, consulting, and facilitation services for organizations seeking to implement formal engagement strategies. The EEA Training unit offers a similar service to suppliers of engagement products and services seeking to train their teams on the needs of this emerging field and on the implementation processes they can use for their clients. For more information, go to:

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