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The Enterprise Engagement Institute (EEI) will officially launch its formal Curriculum and Certification program Oct. 4-5, 2011, at the first EEA Curriculum Conference and Expo to be held at McCormick Center in Chicago.

The Enterprise Engagement Institute is the new research and curriculum affiliate of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance (EEA). The Curriculum and Certification program reflects the growing importance of Enterprise Engagement—the practice of maximizing financial performance by strategically engaging all of the people involved with an organization’s success, both internally and externally.

The Curriculum and Certification program is designed to provide executives and managers with the knowledge they need to effectively engage their customers, channel partners, employees, vendors and communities. The effort also includes a certification program for organizations seeking to maximize performance through engagement.

Engagement Critical to Business Performance
Enterprise Engagement requires an understanding of the different audiences in business, as well as key engagement tactics, from leadership and coaching to communications, training and recognition. The Curriculum content and Certification process details are being developed by a faculty of experts representing all areas of engagement, and through a series of interactive virtual meetings to be held this fall. These meetings will beopen to the general business public, and will address every aspect of engagement in order to identify the key issues that need to be covered.

“Today, executives and managers at every level need to understand how to engage key audiences,” says Allan Schweyer, Curriculum and Research Chair of the Enterprise Engagement Institute. “This effort is designed to provide professionals with a way to both advance their careers and their organizations by gaining a systematic understanding of the principles and practices surrounding this critical business discipline.”

In order to make sure the curriculum addresses the latest issues related to engagement, the EEA will be using collaboration software provided by MindMatters LLC. Th software will enable the EEA to obtain suggestions from a broad audience of participants prior to the actual development of the curriculum. The EEA will hold virtual webinars on each topic to collect the latest thinking, culminating at a combined live/virtual meeting to be held at William J. Patterson University’s Cotsakos College of Business on Dec. 8, 2010.

Once the curriculum is finalized, it will be made available online through instructional software provided by Qube Learning.

The collaboration and virtual meeting programs are available free of charge to anyone who wishes to participate. To register, please email us at

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